2020 - Advanced Healing Insights

2020 has been a turbulent year thus far. Personally, my health nosedived a bit since Jan. Where the last years my health seemed relative stable (with the occasional detox crisis thrown in), and I mostly just worked on my motivation and happiness levels, this year I felt fluey again and again! So besides trying to find physical health issues, I obviously tried to find potential spiritual sources for my ill-health as well as for the various crisis world-wide.

As always – I do not claim TRUTH! The following are intuitions, that I then try to affirm with (repeated) e.g. muscle testing. There could be some ‘crazies’ in there. The intuitions felt ‘right’ when I had them and mostly when thinking about them again. Upon receiving insights, I usually action relevant lightwork, pray accordingly. For personal issues and health, I can just observe if I start feeling better but when channelling lightwork for the collective it is harder to gauge if my lightwork/ prayers are being fruitful? And if not fruitful, am I just impatient, or were my assumptions/insights wrong? Still, maybe you have had similar insights? If there is more lightworkers out there, who have/had similar intuitions, there validity might become more likely.

So after the time chakra input I had in Dec19 (see other blog post), I was in good spirits for a few days, but then became lethargic again. So the next input I had was that supposedly I was a helper/guide upstairs before, and there took on too many negative energies/LLEs from students/ beings in between incarnations (to assist their healing). Supposedly I was filled with Love and felt relatively invincible. Love heals all, right? I thought I could transform all those negative energies/LLEs I took on. I did not channel them on, into cleansing/ rehabilitating Light, like I would today. But it appears I did not entirely transform them? Many got transformed, but plenty remained and accumulated. When going back into a physical body, and into a lower energy environment, these energies started to disaffect my wellbeing. Supposedly I was up there quite a while, and took on heaps of energies, so clearing them now/ releasing them into Light, might take a bit? On first glance it all kind of sounds romantic - loving helper selflessly takes on suffering from others - but questions arose. Was I ignorant? Did none of my colleagues, supervising higher hierarchy helpers make me aware that I was harming myself? Were they ignorant too? I always assumed that up there all confusions fall aside, and only Ultimate Truth remains? If confusions and self-harming behaviours are possible up there, then there must be LLEs (life limiting energies) that control these/ benefit off them, and ergo they would have to be more powerful than the heavenly helpers? As soon as I asked to release all, in between lives, taken on negative energies into Light, and heal those confusions for those levels of existence, including relevant LLEs, my health/wellbeing went south!

I was stuck on these cleansings for a good few weeks, but my health did not really improve (and yes, I did test for C, and it was negative). So I delved deeper, i.e. got more input.

I had always been a bit baffled by the descriptions from the extracorporeal chakras we are supposed to have, that stretch out on the midline above our crown. I felt the descriptions what they stand for were very vague, and unpractical?

I feel now that these extracorporeal chakras code bigger and bigger systems, and more and more beings share some of them. So there might be e.g. a chakra for family (be that genetic or emotional family), where family karma is stored/ coded? (karma, here meaning the collection of pre-chosen experiences, positive, as well as negative, that beings want to experience).  Some beings might leave the family chakra over time, and new ones might come and join. We might also be part of more than one family chakra. So let’s say your closest family is your parents and 2 siblings. You all (pre-)chose to come home after a summer holiday, and find the apartment has been broken into, but you also chose to have experienced a beautiful harmonious family holiday beforehand. Just as you (pre-)chose many other positive, as well as negative experiences for this life/ within this family-structure. And so it shall come to pass. We can though dissolve negative karma through e.g. lightwork. E.g. dissolve past trauma stored in the family chakra, which may influence the future negatively, or otherwise sent healing into it/ ask for healing there. As we do healing work for the family unit, not just our own relationships with other family members might improve, but also those amongst other family members.

Then there might e.g. be a work chakra for the company you might work for, a regional chakra for your neighbourhood, your borough, city, state, nation, continent, planet, planetary network, solar system, galaxy, etc, etc. Each healing we do likely affects communal chakras in some way as well, plus we can work with them directly too, if we turn our (healing) intentions on them. In my opinion we are allowed to send healing/ ask for healing for any communal chakra we are part of. Some healing might not get immediate palpable results, others might trigger big shifts. Let’s say you live in a fascist country, and do healing for your country chakra, this might enable a coup of the good guys, trigger mass protests that topple the government, the villain president moves on, etc. Without your healing work, the evil government might not have fallen, or would have lasted longer? But as long as you were directly or indirectly disaffected by the tyranny, you are allowed to do healing work/ ask for healing for the country’s karma! It just needs one being in a communal chakra group, which decides it does not want to suffer anymore! As always, conscious, non-suffering desires trump the desires of experiencing or inflicting suffering!  (I think some people call these communal connected beings soul groups too?).

Next I opened up to the idea that we might not just pre-chose one life and body, and it’s karma, but a series (including the in-between lives bits). I.e. to experience suffering/ confusion in between lives (be it subtle or major), I guess it is easier to enter that realm after having been in a body, and having forgotten about the enlightened, divine perfection state we were in before. We leave the body and might ‘believe’ we go back into divine bliss, but we enter a fake(ish) divine realm, where there might be hierarchies, manipulations, unfairness, etc.? So there should be chakras here too, that connect us not just with e.g. other humans, but also with non-incarnated spiritual beings? And there might be bigger systems where several planets share the same (confused(ish)) afterlife? And again, where there is confusion/ diversion from divine perfection and harmony, there is LLEs who control/rule/ benefit off these (and they will obviously become ever bigger and more powerful, the bigger the confusion-system they rule over/ control/ feed off.)

But, just as a reminder, above all this is always Ultimate Good, the true Divine, that will forever be greater and more capable than any confusion system, however big it may be! And we can always call on them, to assist us in healing and dismantling karma at whichever level!


Physically I worked on eradicating some maybe left over lyme, and heavy metals this year. Then researched HPU, but still not 100% sure I have that? When I ask, communicate and muscle test I usually get a clear YES response though to (non-ionising) radiation/EMF disaffecting me. Strangely I do not get a YES answer for WIFI, mobile or 3G/4G/5G though. So extra-terrestrial radiation popped into my head, and when I asked there, I got a clear YES again. Obviously, I am not too keen on this. My primary care physician can handle me thinking I might have lyme or heavy metals, but I am not going to tell him, I think I am being attacked by alien tech/radiation – lol. It is not really something I would post on my regular FB profile either! I did join an alien abduction group though, and there is some interesting posts there. One claims that there is some aliens, who keep us energetically cut off from the rest of the universe (and supposedly they use our own thought and emotional energies to create that block)? I worked with that image for a while, consciously poking through any intentional blockages of energy flow, and it felt like my healing work was a bit more powerful/connected for it? These extra-terrestrials might be in near orbit, and or they might be using quantum mechanisms, to work from a further away base?

Shortly after I had an intuition where, during client healing work, a Grey appeared (in spirit). Initially I was a bit perplexed, as their reputation is not very good, and I never associated them with healing/ lightwork. I kept on sending healing the grey’s way, but he/she did not vanish. There was also no menacing energy associated with him/her. It dawned on me then, that I had been a bit species-centric, with regards to healers/guides.  Why should there not be healers in any shape or form? And just because a species might generally be more villainous in their incarnated physical form, there might be good ones there too, and this might be different once they leave their bodies? Why should greys not achieve enlightenment too, become ascended masters, etc?

The whole alien EMF attack thing came up again a few weeks later. By then a darkfield microscopy, and other diagnostics had pretty much ruled out any lyme, EBV and heavy metals still being a factor. So I considered other options again, and alien EMF meddling tested strongly positive again. I then decided to started chewing on some fresh rosemary regularly (rosemary being a radioprotective herb), and some of m symptoms improved. I also created a homeopathic remedy labelled ‘alien non-ionizing radiation’ and get definite healing crisis when taking it.


The next insight that came to me concerns the chakras. I thought that information/coding of past events/ experiences can be found in the back chakras, whereas current affairs and future information/coding is found in the front chakras. This has changed now, and I feel that future coding/information is found in/through the back chakras too. And I became more aware that the future is not just influenced/created by past and current events/thoughts/ believes/ emotions, but that there is coding for future events too, that are independent from the past/past karma! So, to prevent future calamities/ misfortune/ restrictions/ unhappiness/ etc. I did/asked for some future-cleansing on my back chakras (intra- as well as extra-corporeal back-chakras).

Plus I became more aware that if I did not just pre-choose this life, but perhaps a block of lives (and in-between lives), I would need to extend my awareness and healing intend (for myself, and my clients) beyond this physical body! I also started to consider that some healings might be subconsciously blocked, as there might be fears, that one is not allowed to heal s.th. actively, but has to e.g. wait for Divine helping grace, or for things to heal on their own, as otherwise healings could be tagged as premature (by (confused) in between lives helpers), and one fears one will be sent back into a body, to do it all over again?

Another option why healings appear ‘stuck’ might be, because we do not subconsciously allow them, as we have been blackmailed by spiritual beings, having been told, that if we do not experience the full suffering vetted out/or go through with villainous acts we have been tasked with, they will harm former family/ friends/ nations/ planets, that we cherished in previous incarnations? I.e. this might be a part of cognitive dissonance, remaining in victim mode or villain behaviour? Obviously here too, one can pray for protections and healing for those beings supposedly being threatened, and the incapacitation of those spiritual beings blackmailing us!

Thank you for reading, and feel free to share similar or other more ‘far out’ insights in comments.